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Report Fraud: Senior Elder Abuse

Report Fraud: Senior Elder Abuse

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Senior Fraud Reporting & Elder Abuse:

Call the police or 911 immediately if someone you know is in immediate, life-threatening danger.  If you have been the victim of abuse, exploitation, or neglect, you are not alone. Many people care and can help. Please tell your doctor, a friend, or a family member you trust, or call the Adult Protective Services (locate APS in your state) program in your area. Relay your concerns to the local Adult Protective Services, Long-term Care Ombudsman, or police. If the danger is not immediate, but you suspect that abuse has occurred or is occurring, please tell someone.

You do not need to prove that abuse is occurring; it is up to the professionals to investigate the suspicions.  When making the call, be ready to give the name, address, and contact information of the person you suspect is abused or neglected, and details about why you are concerned. The professionals receiving your report are prohibited from releasing your information as a reporter. They may not disclose your identity to the alleged abuser or victim.

To report problems with a medication or medical device:

To report scams and suspicious activity involving Medicare:

To report fraud or abuse related to a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan:

  • Medicare Drug Integrity Contractors (MEDICs)— Call 1-877-772-3379.

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